Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Portland Children's Museum

This morning Ava and Emily had their respective 3 year and 9 month well check ups at the pediatrician. Both girls only had one shot (we're on the Dr Sears recommended schedule), which was pretty nice. The appointment was over pretty early, and we didn't have any other plans today, so we headed over to the Children's Museum to play for a bit.

Ava has always loved this place - there is a market and a restaurant full of realistic (and healthy!) looking pretend food, a climbing structure, a water play area, a stage, and of course, the ever popular dig pit. Now that Emily is mobile, she is usually up for cruising around the different areas as well. This morning, we had a lot of fun in the pretend doctor's office (where Ava did an amazingly spot-on imitation of our own pediatrician) on a baby doll. Maybe she'll grow up to be a surgeon, instead of a wedding cake baker afterall? Emily had a nice post-shot nap in the Ergo carrier (I always get at least one mom who asks me what kind of carrier I have and where she can get one - these are SO much better than the awful Bjorns!) while Ava played and climbed for two hours. We ended our visit with story time in the tree house room, where Ava sang (very loudly) to all of the songs.

Ava sporting some lovely face paint (her own creation):

Brushing the crocodile's teeth:

Emily cruising in the baby play area:

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